On Tuesday 28 February, the Value of Treatment discussion paper was released.  The Value of Treatment for Brain Disorders (VoT) is a 2-year research project undertaken by EBC with the overall goal of assessing the treatment gap and the cost of non-(or inadequate) treatment, and promoting a holistic healthcare approach (versus fragmentation and results in silo).


Bridging the early diagnosis and treatment gap:
– Target unmet needs towards achieving high value for patients
– Reflect on new research developments
– Conduct cost-effectiveness analysis in health care (comparing costs and values of defined interventions) and assess benefits of coordinated care in the prevention and treatment of brain disorders

The discussion paper came from a synthesis of  the 18 January 2017 plenary meeting which involved each working group for each specific disease case study preliminary results presentation and an experts roundtable and the EBC Board Meetings, 8-9 February 2017.

EBC Discussion Paper 2 as a synthesis focuses on:
– Addressing the burden of diseases and issues in the current healthcare, the health
services delivery & care pathways design
– Proposing evidence-based and cost-effective solutions to achieve high value for
As results of a literature review, this synthesis report builds on:
– Case studies key preliminary results analysis and interpretation
– Consultations with experts

The European Brain Council would like to thank sincerely its Academic Partners, Working Groups Experts, External Experts and Patients Associations’ Representatives for their constructive insights. The list of participants to the Value of Treatment Meeting of 18
January 2017 is in the Annex.

To read the full discussion paper click here.