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The EU4Health Conference: Integration and Impact Initiave will take place on 2 December 2024 at 09:50-16:50 in the Palace of Academies in Brussels, Belgium.

The EU4Health Integration and Impact Initiative (EU4H3I) aims to address public health challenges such as healthcare disparities, unequal access to therapies, and lack of diversity in clinical trials. By advocating for interdisciplinary collaboration and adopting a holistic, multi-sectoral approach through the One Health perspective, the initiative supports the development of the European Health Union. 

Key themes

  • ONE HEALTH: The One Health approach highlights the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health, and is crucial for tackling environmental and climate-related health threats.
  • PAEDIATRIC CANCER: Childhood cancer is the leading disease-related cause of death in EU children over one. We hope for a world where children with cancer can be cured, and their challenges are understood.
  • BRAIN HEALTH: Brain health encompasses mental, cognitive, sensory, emotional, behavioral, and motor functions. A healthy brain enables individuals to reach their full potential.

The consortium for the EU4Health Integration and Impact Initiative project includes the I3h Institute (I3h ULB), One Sustainable Health for All Foundation (OSH Foundation), Childhood Cancer International Europe (CCI Europe), and the European Brain Council (EBC).

Co-funded by the European Union

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