National Brain Councils

National Brain Councils (NBCs) are independent and multidisciplinary councils that unite scientific organisations of neuroscientists, psychiatrists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, patients’ associations, as well as the pharmaceutical and medical device industry, in order to speak with one strong voice — at the national level —on behalf of the “brain space”.

EBC realizes that the best results are created in close alignment with NBCs in a bottom-up and top-down approach, thereby ensuring optimal key stakeholder management on both national and EU level. It is especially true at the country level, given that the organisation, management and funding of health services, fall within the exclusive competence of the national governments.

Therefore, although independent, NBCs are aligned with the main goals of EBC. These include promoting brain health, raising awareness of brain disorders, addressing stigmatisation, stimulating brain related research, fostering exchange between different disciplines and associations, promoting prevention and lobbying governments for enhanced research and treatments, in order to improve the quality of life of people affected by brain disorders.

Maps of the NBCs

  • National Brain Councils
  • National Brain Councils without legal entity
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