We are delighted to share with you the EBC Annual Report for 2021.
Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to have managed to continue to successfully conduct and pursue ongoing projects such as: the Value of Innovation (from which stemmed the development of the EBC Policy Roadmap), MULTI-ACT and the European Brain Research Area (EBRA). In addition, we have held the 1st in-person edition of the Brain Innovation Days, which reunited scientists/ researchers, clinicians, patients, and many other passionate members of the brain space, including new faces such as start-ups and investors.
Many of us adapted our lives to constantly changing pandemic restrictions and are slowly coming back to the new reality. Nevertheless, EBC has not ceased in its efforts to support brain research in Europe. This year was remarkable for us, as we forged and strengthened not only the established partnerships, but also, created
new cooperations.
In this regard, we consider 2021 as challenging but successful year, and we are proud to share with you this Annual Report. EBC would like to thank its members,
partners, and every individual who supports us in striving for raising the awareness on the burden of brain disorders and we are looking optimistically to the future of brain research!