EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.

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EBRA releases Mapping Report: investment in European brain research still vital


9 February 2022 The EU-funded European Brain Research Area project today releases its long-awaited European Research Inventory and Mapping Report, providing insight into the brain research activities funded at the European level within the EU framework programmes FP7 and Horizon 2020, as well as the funding initiatives of the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND), ERA-NET NEURON [...]


Event report | Best practices for patient safety: An EU-wide view on the use of medicines off-label


On 30 November, the GOLUP consortium held a virtual event, led by the European Brain Council, to build on the latest discussions on the Declaration on Good Off-Label Use Practices.  The event was hosted by MEP Cyrus Engerer (S&D, Malta), who is a member of the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI). . The conversation involved all [...]


EBC supports European Stakeholder Group statement on maintaining the exchange of critical health data


EBC is happy to support the statement released by CPME, on behalf of the European Health Stakeholder Group, to call for a formal association of the UK to the Horizon Europe research programme. The European Health Stakeholder Group aims to raise awareness of the implications that Brexit could have for patients and the public at large and make sure [...]


EBC holds General Assembly and Strategic Workshop, new Executive Committee elected


On 17-18 November 2021, the European Brain Council was pleased to be able to hold its General Assembly and annual Strategic Workshop again in Brussels, bringing members together — in person and virtually — to discuss the ongoing work of 2021 and the future plans for 2022. The General Assembly allowed for the EBC Executive Committee [...]


Registration open for “Best practices for patient safety: An EU-wide view on the use of medicines off-label” event on 30 November 2021


The European Brain Council is pleased to invite you to register for the digital event "Best practices for patient safety: An EU-wide view on the use of medicines off-label" to be held virtually on 30 November 2021 at 14:30 - 16:00 CET. In 2016, the Declaration for Good Off-Label Use Practice was launched, supported by a coalition of European organisations dedicated [...]


Making brain health a priority in Europe: Brussels sees event packed with high-level brain scientists and policy-makers


On 12 October, representatives of the highest levels of research policy and brain science met in Brussels for the first European Brain Summit, organised by the European Brain Council (EBC) and EBRAINS, in conjunction with the Brain Innovation Days and Human Brain Project Summit. Leading researchers and policy makers presented their vision of the future of [...]


EBC raises awareness on World Mental Health Day


EBC is happy to support and recognise World Mental Health Day, which takes place annually on 10 October. The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health. This year's theme is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’. COVID-19 presents an opportunity [...]


Making brain health a European priority: why it is important to act now!


Brussels, October 8, 2021: The European Brain Council (EBC), an organization that is at the forefront of advocacy for brain research in Europe and EBRAINS, an association that supports science in the field of brain research, including as coordinator of the EU-funded Human Brain Project, are together organizing the first European Brain Summit in Brussels on October 12. The [...]


Registration and programme launched for the Brain Innovation Days


Registration is now open for the two-day Brain Innovation Days event, to be held physically in Brussels, Belgium, on 12-13 October 2021. Under the overarching theme, United for Brain Innovation, the Brain Innovation Days will bring together, in-person*, key opinion leaders and stakeholders from the ever-growing brain innovation ecosystem to create synergies and showcase the importance of brain innovation. [...]

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