EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.

Latest News


EBC signs joint statement on making cancer-related complications and comorbidities an EU health priority


EBC has joined like-minded European health organisations in signing a joint statement calling for making cancer-related complications and  comorbidities an EU health priority. Cancer-related complications and comorbidities - many neurological or psychiatric - are a highly significant, and in many cases fatal, burden on patients across Europe but are all too often neglected in policy and research. Cancer is set [...]


PRIME project kicks off – New mental health project aims to uncover insulin-related mechanisms linking disorders of body and brain


PRIME Project: New mental health project aims to uncover insulin-related mechanisms linking disorders of body and brain An important European-funded initiative has been launched to explore how common molecular mechanisms may link metabolic disorders, especially type 2 diabetes and obesity, with brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and autism spectrum disorders.


RETHINKING MS project presented at European Parliament


On 6 November 2019, the European Brain Council (EBC) and The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) were able to present preliminary reports from the RETHINKING MS project during a meeting of the MEP Interest Group on Brain, Mind and Pain. Attendees were welcomed by Joke Jaarsma, European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA), and Deirdre Ryan, Pain Alliance Europe (PAE) – the group’s coordinating organisations. [...]


MULTI-ACT project launches consultation on its Patient Engagement Strategy


The EU-funded MULTI-ACT project has launched a web survey for the implementation of the strategy for engaging patients in research and innovation. The consultation reflects the project's aim to make research on multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases more effective and responsive to the needs of patients through their full engagement. Through this web survey, the MULTI-ACT consortium asks you [...]


2019 EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting


The 2019 EU Health Policy Platform annual meeting was held on 17th October in Brussels, Belgium. On this occasion, the following joint statements, developed as part of the 2019 Thematic Network Cycle, were presented: Healthcare in cross-border regions - EUREGHA and Healthacross Initiative Improving Organ Donation and Transplantation - European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) Nobody Left Outside: Improving access to [...]


Registration now open for the MULTI-ACT project event on 12 November: “Does your research impact society responsibly?”


Registration is now open for the MULTI-ACT project-dedicated event, "Does your research impact society responsibly? Design your sustainable multi-stakeholder initiative using MULTI-ACT", to be held on 12 November in Brussels, Belgium. EBC is heavily involved in the MULTI-ACT project and looks forward to hosting the event on the day. The draft agenda is available here. Please register to attend the event here. [...]


EBC joins scientific community in calling for the inclusion of ‘research’ in the new job title of Commissioner Gabriel


The European Brain Council (EBC) has joined thousands of academics, European organisations and Nobel-prize winners in signing an open letter calling on the Commission to revise the new job title of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel to include a reference to research. We fully support the initiative to request changing her official title to ‘Commissioner for Education, Research, Innovation and Youth’ as [...]


“Time matters: A call to prioritize brain health” report launches


Experts call for coordinated public education and research programmes to avert a brain disease crisis   Experts are calling for a public health campaign aimed at promoting a ‘brain-healthy lifestyle’ to reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. The campaign should support existing health promotion work by emphasising that “what is good [...]


EBC at the EU Research and Innovation Days, 24 – 26 September 2019


EBC was present at the Research and Innovation Days that were held in Brussels from 24th-26th September 2019. This conference was organized by the European Commission in order to collect the input from stakeholders regarding the priorities, objectives and expected impact of the Horizon Europe programme. The Research and Innovation Days were held within the wider context of the Strategic [...]

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