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PRESS RELEASE: Launch of “AD Detect and Prevent” – An innovative EU-funded project developing a robust digital tool for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease
4 September 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark The “AD Detect and Prevent” project, which is led by the Danish digital therapeutics company Brain+, is pursuing the ambitious aim of developing a digital tool to improve the detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prior to the possible onset of dementia and combining this with lifestyle programmes for reducing lifestyle risk related to Alzheimer’s dementia. [...]
European Commission launches Horizon Europe public consultation
Further to the agreement on Horizon Europe that the EU institutions reached in trilogue on 20th March 2019, the European Commission has started preparing the implementation of the programme through a process of “strategic planning”. To this end, the European Commission has launched a public consultation in order to collect input as regards to the objectives, priorities and expected impact of the Horizon Europe [...]
EBC Holds 1st Regional Meeting of National Brain Councils
The 1st Regional Meeting of National Brain Councils (NBCs), which brought together a wide range of health stakeholders from South-East Europe, was held on 10th July 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia. On this occasion, delegates from 9 different European countries, representing NBCs, patient groups, psychiatric associations and neuroscience societies, met in order to exchange views on regional challenges, joint initiatives and [...]
EBC at EAN Congress 2019
EBC was present again this year at the Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, marking their 5th year of annual congresses. This year the congress was held in Oslo, Norway, and EBC was pleased to be able to participate in the Exhibition Hall as well as in the Scientific Theatre and EFNA-EAN Special Session. The EBC Exhibition Stand was [...]
New opportunity at EBC: Project Manager / Scientific Officer
The European Brain Council is currently welcoming applications for a Project Manager/Scientific Officer to cover for the maternity leave of our current Scientific Officer, with the possibility of extension into longer-term contract. See details here.
EBC endorses EU Health Coalition statement on Horizon Europe budget
EU leaders will meet in Brussels from 20th-21st June 2019 to discuss, amongst other issues, the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). In the light of this, EBC endorsed a recent statement, launched by the EU Health Coalition, that calls on the European Council to increase the total Horizon Europe budget to €120 billion. Such increase would be in line with [...]
Joint meeting of 2nd round of EBC “Value of Treatment” project working groups
On 15 May 2019, a joint meeting was held in Brussels for the new case studies of the 2nd round of the EBC Value of Treatment project. Working groups in the fields of Mental Disorders: Eating Disorders (Anorexia Nervosa), Major Depressive Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder* and Rare Neurological Disorders: Ataxia, Dystonia and Phenylketonuria (PKU) have started their research over the [...]
EBC holds 5th Academy Meeting of National Brain Councils
The 5th Academy Meeting of National Brain Councils was held from 9th-10th May in Dubrovnik, Croatia. This year's meeting, hosted by the Croatian Brain Council, brought together delegates from fifteen European countries for two days of progress reports, discussion and brainstorming on joint initiatives. Prof. Dinko Mitrečić, President of the Croatian Brain Council, opened the meeting and welcomed the participants [...]
New Brain, Mind and Pain Book of Evidence released for the 2019-2024 EU mandate
The Brain, Mind and Pain (BMP) initiative has today launched its Book of Evidence for the 2019-2024 EU mandate. This Book of Evidence (BoE) sets a strategic vision on policy action to deliver better care for people with neurological and chronic pain disorders in the EU. It will be used as the core policy document of the MEP Interest Group on Brain, [...]
VOT & EBC featured in Spanish publication on health and social care for MS in Spain
The publication “SumEMos: Análisis y propuestas para contribuir a normalizar la vida con EM” integrates all voices from the Multiple Sclerosis community in Spain. The document was released in the last weeks in conclusion of last year's “SumEMos para normalizar la vida con EM” conference on 4 October. The publication aimed to answer a series of burning questions: who/what are the [...]