EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.

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EBC-endorsed “Alzheimer’s Policy toolkit for Members of the European Parliament” released


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) – the most common cause of dementia – is one of the most significant medical and societal challenges of our time. It does not discriminate and affects everyone, across all generations – from the people who develop the condition, to the families that care for them and the taxpayers who fund health services. By providing facts and [...]


EBC-coordinated EBRA project launches Call for Clusters


Today marks the launch of the EBC-coordinated EBRA (European Brain Research Area) project's Call for Clusters, aimed to promote co-operation and exchange between brain research projects and networks, and thus enable or enhance international collaboration and the emergence of development of clusters in all areas of brain research, in line with EBRA’s aim to foster new, and extend existing, transnational research [...]


EBC launches Election Manifesto for 2019 European Elections


The next European elections take place on 23-26 May 2019, when 350 million EU citizens will again have their chance to elect the 751 members of the European Parliament (EP). In light of these elections, EBC has joined many like-minded organizations in producing its own Election Manifesto, a call and reminder to MEPs, old and new, for an improved quality [...]


EBC holds Brain Awareness Week event on “Mood and Food: Exploring the gut-brain connection”


Though Brain Awareness Week is still approaching, held next week on March 11-15, the European Brain Council held its annual event early this year, ensuring access to the European Parliament in Brussels and an audience of policymakers and the general public. This year, the event focused on "Mood and Food: Exploring the gut-brain connection", examining the connection between mood and [...]


Registration now open for BAW 2019 event: “Mood and Food: Exploring the gut-brain connection”


One of EBC's annual activities is to hold an outreach event for Members of the European Parliament and the general public during the Brain Awareness Week (BAW). This global campaign is held in March every year and aims to increase public awareness on the progress and benefits of brain research. This year we focus on "Mood and Food: Exploring the [...]


Launch of ‘Sustainable Approach To Depression’ policy report


Today, the European Parliament Interest Group on Mental health, Well-being and Brain Disorders (with co-hosting MEPs Tomas Zdechovsky and Nessa Childers), EBC, GAMIAN-Europe, the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), EUFAMI, the Expert Platform on Depression, Eurocarers, the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP), the UEMS – Sector of Psychiatry and the International Federation for Psychotherapy launch a joint policy paper on major depression, entitled ‘A sustainable approach [...]


Stronger together for a healthier Europe


As we head towards the European Parliament elections in 2019, healthcare systems and citizens across Europe are facing unprecedented challenges driven by an ageing population, and increased prevalence of chronic diseases. Research shows that 550,000 people of working age die from Non-Communicable Diseases in the EU every year. Aside from the significant impact on individual patients, their families and carers, [...]


Event Report: “Enhanced engagement through public-private partnerships”


On 21 November 2018, EBC held one of its largest events yet, as part of its Value of Innovation series: "Enhanced engagement through public-private partnerships: sustaining therapeutic innovation to address patient needs". The event was an excellent showcase of the latest initiatives of EBC members and partners to key stakeholders, highlighting collaboration, innovation and multi-stakeholder engagement. The day featured two keynote speakers, [...]


EBRA Kick-Off Meeting held in Brussels


The kick-off meeting of the European Brain Council (EBC)-coordinated EU project The European Brain Research Area (EBRA) was held on 22 November 2018 in Brussels, after the project officially began on 1 November 2018. EBRA was designed to respond to the Horizon 2020 call, SC1-HCO-10-2018, entitled “Coordinating European brain research and developing global initiatives”, which called for the reduction of fragmentation and duplication of research efforts, [...]

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