EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.

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Professor Marc Dooms presents the GOLUP declaration at the ECRD


On 10th-12th May 2018, EURORDIS hosted the ninth European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products (ECRD) in Vienna, welcoming almost 1000 participants from more than 50 countries. In between the various panel discussions, Professor Marc Dooms, author of the Declaration on Good Off-Label Use Practices, known as the GOLUP (Good Off-Label Use Practice) was there to introduce participants to [...]


MULTI-ACT project launches today


    MULTI-ACT Project brings research closer to patients and society The EU-funded MULTI-ACT project aiming to increase the impact of health research on people with brain diseases kicks off today. It will create and implement a new model allowing for the effective cooperation of all relevant stakeholders and be applicable in defining the scope of health research and innovation [...]


VoT featured in latest WHO Bulletin


The WHO Bulletin is one of the world's leading public health journals. It is a peer-reviewed monthly journal  and one of the top public and environmental health journals with an impact factor of 4.939 (2016). This month, in the May edition, the findings of the EBC project on The Value of Treatment of Brain Disorders in Europe is featured, and can be [...]


Event Report: “Brain Research in Europe: Shaping FP9 and Delivering Innovation to the Benefit of Patients” & Brain Mission launch


Last Monday and Tuesday, 23-24 April 2018, EBC held the two-day event "Brain Research in Europe: Shaping FP9 and Delivering Innovation to the Benefit of Patients" at the University Foundation in Brussels. The event was organised in three different sessions: "FP9 and Missions", "The Value of Innovation" and "European Brain Research: Shifting Gears and Going Global". The full programme booklet [...]


The use of off-label medicines in Spain: Finding the right balance between the need for safe access to care and the maintenance of highest standards of care for patients


Madrid, 25 April 2018 – On this day, the Spanish Brain Council, in collaboration with the European Brain Council, is delighted to organise a roundtable discussion on the off-label use of medicines. The event will bring together around 20 experts and representatives of patient associations, medical societies, as well as pharmaceutical companies, to discuss the conditions for the correct prescription [...]


EBC launches “Brain Mission”


Today, 23rd April 2018, the European Brain Council launches its Brain Mission. The mission may sound simple: Understand. Fix. Enhance. But, as the brain is the most complex human organ, disorders of the brain are extremely complicated to analyse, diagnose and treat in comparison to other diseases, continued engagement and support of the scientific and clinical community at all levels [...]


Interview with Marc Dooms – Senior Orphan Drug Pharmacist and main author of the GOLUP-Declaration


Marc dooms elaborated in a recent interview on some of the issues and challenges associated with off-label use of medicines across Europe. Additionally, he shared his views on the principles laid down in the Good Off-Label Use Practice (GOLUP) declaration and how off-label use affects patient safety.                   What is off-label use [...]


Registration is open: “Brain Research in Europe: Shaping FP9 and Delivering Innovation to the Benefit of Patients”


On the 23rd-24th April, EBC will hold a two-day event at the University Foundation in Brussels entitled "Brain Research in Europe: Shaping FP9 and Delivering Innovation to the Benefit of Patients". The two days will include three separate but complementary sessions on "FP9 and Missions", "The Value of Innovation", and "Brain Research: Shifting Gears and Going Global". Investments into research [...]


BAW 2018 Event Report: “Expanding Brain Research in Europe: Education, Behaviour and Brain Development”


On 15 March 2018, EBC held its annual Brain Awareness Week event at the European Parliament (in Strasbourg, France) in partnership with FENS, EDAB, BBC, University of Strasbourg-Neuropole and the Bureau Grand Est. The event is designed for outreach to the general public and policymakers, to give an insight into the world of neuroscience and communicate just how important the [...]

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