EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.

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EBC holds roundtable on Global Partnerships in Brain Research at the Science Summit @ UNGA77


On 26 September 2022, in the framework of the Science Summit at the 77th United Nations General Assembly, the European Brain Council and Cohen Veterans Bioscience, in partnership with the Brain Capital Alliance and OECD Neuroscience-inspired Policy Initiative convened a meeting on Global Partnerships in Brain Research in New York, USA. Bringing leaders in neuroscience around the table, the meeting [...]


Final Programme Available for Brain Innovation Days – Register Now!


The Brain Innovation Days are just one month away, taking place in Brussels on 11-12 October 2022. The programme is final, the applications processed and we are so excited to bring you one-and-a-half days of high-level brain innovation. Join us in Brussels to: Be part of the circle of influence in the brain sector & network with key players in the brain research [...]


One week left to shape the programme of the Brain Innovation Days!


The Brain Innovation Days bring the brain ecosystem together to foster dialogue, exchange knowledge, accelerate investment in research & innovation and facilitate business development.  This year’s Brain Innovation Days event, to be held on 11-12 October 2022 in Brussels, will centre around “Connecting Brains”; bringing together the current and future generations of brain research and innovation.  Abstract submission to be part of the [...]


Sir Colin Blakemore (1944-2022): A Tribute


Neuroscientist, outstanding science communicator, advocate of animal rights, rationality and openness. The Observer described Blakemore as one of the UK's most influential scientists and a determined and courageous opponent of the violence of the animal rights movement. Colin, despite threats to himself and his family, including a parcel bomb opened by his children (which did not explode), continued [...]


Event Report: EBC at FENS Forum 2022


EBC was pleased to be back to another in-person congress last week, attending the FENS Forum on 9-13 July in Paris, France. EBC had a series of events throughout the five days, including a permanent stand in the Exhibition Hall, which brought a lot of interest and saw many EBC materials and giveaways distributed to the 8000+ congress attendees, with [...]


Preparing Europe for Novel Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies: PAREA officially launched on 23 June 2022


The Psychedelic Access and Research European Alliance – PAREA was officially launched today at a virtual event. Keynote Address was delivered by Dr Thomas Insel, former Director of the US National Institute of Mental Health (2002 – 2015). Other speakers included representatives from the European Parliament, European Commission, European Medicines Agency, patients and organizations representing them as well as PAREA [...]


Season 2 of Brain Talks podcast launched


Brain Talks is a podcast produced by the Brain Innovation Days — a key EBC project — featuring key opinion leaders and stakeholders from the ever-growing brain ecosystem, discussing the latest breakthroughs, ongoing research and other exciting topics related to brain innovation. The first season was launched in 2021, with brilliant speakers from the field, including Pierre Meulien of [...]


The European Brain Council launches “Migraine, my brain” campaign to rethink migraine care


On the occasion of Migraine & Headache Awareness Month, the European Brain Council launches "Migraine, my brain" campaign to highlight the need to rethink migraine care. The campaign falls under  "RETHINKING Migraine in times of COVID-19", a research-driven project offering tangible policy changes to improve the lives of people living with migraine across Europe. About migraine Migraine is [...]


Registration now open for Brain Innovation Days and EBRA Final Conference


Registration is now open for two major EBC events in October 2022: the Final Conference of the European Brain Research Area (EBRA) and the Brain Innovation Days, taking place on 11-12 October in Brussels. The 11th will kick off with the three-hour, policy-focused EBRA Final Conference, where key outcomes of the project will be presented and the future of [...]

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