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The annual European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Congress is Europe’s premier scientific meeting for disease-oriented brain research, annually attracting more than 5,000 psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurologists and psychologists from around the world.

The European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) is an independent scientific association dedicated to the science and treatment of disorders of the brain. It is the largest non-institutional supporter of applied and translational neuroscience research and education in Europe.

EBC was pleased to take part in the ECNP Congress which took place on 15-18 October 2022 in Vienna (Austria) and virtually. Alongside an Exhibition Stand in the exhibition area (booth 16), EBC had a campfire session The value of early intervention and continuity of care for mental disorders take place on 17 October at 11:15 – 12:00. The session, moderated by Prof. Judit Simon, featured the following presentations:

  • The value of early intervention for associated epilepsy in autism by Prof. Celso Arango, Spain
  • The value of early intervention and continuity of care for mood disorders by Prof. Allan Young, United Kingdom

Additionally, the EBC project the European Brain Research Area (EBRA) was showcased at the congress through a poster.

We look forward to the next year’s congress which will take place from 7-10 October 2023 in Barcelona (Spain)!

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