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Under the auspices of EBC, the World Health Organisation, the Italian Ministry of Health and the Lombardy Region, the IRCCS Foundation “Carlo Besta” Neurological Institute will hold an event in Milan on “INNOVATION AND RESEARCH FOR HEALTHY AGEING: new questions for research and new answers from innovation” as a complementary event to the G7 Ministries of Health meeting to be held in Milan.

The G7 Health Ministers Meeting brings together the Health Ministers of the G7 countries- Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States (and the European Commission)- to exchange views and form a consensus on a variety of health issues international society is facing. Healthy Ageing is one of these key issues, and RESEARCH and INNOVATION could be keys to achieve it globally.

The main aim of this event is to support these Ministries of Health to identify the most important challenges and the key questions that we need to answer to improve healthy ageing worldwide.



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