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Neurological and mental disorders are a leading cause of mortality and disability in Europe and globally, putting a great burden on people living with brain disorders, their professional and informal carers, as well as healthcare systems and national economies. To take on this grand challenge, a coordinated, sustainable, and holistic research and innovation initiative, the European Partnership for Brain Health, is envisaged and will begin in January 2026 as a major joint effort of the European Commission, Member States and Associated Countries in collaboration with international partners. By capitalising on existing initiatives, synergies will be formed and links with all relevant stakeholders in the brain health sector and beyond will be strengthened to increase and align efforts and funding. This session will explore the goals and reasons behind the planned Partnership – and why it’s incredibly timely – as well as the expected impact (in terms of research investment, interventions and care), the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and how the EP BrainHealth will pave the way towards an overall (brain) healthier society.

This TV Studio Session “Funding the Future of Brain Research in Europe: Towards a European Brain Health Partnership” will take place on 21 June 2025 at 11:30-12:30 at the 11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology in Helsinki (Finland).

Meet the speakers!

Dr Catherine Marquer

International coordinator for Neurosciences, French National Research Agency

Frédéric Destrebecq

Executive Director, European Brain Council

European BrainHealth Partnership Coordinator – TBC

European Commission Representative – TBC

Learn more about the EBC activities at the Congress!

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