EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
Healthy Brain, Resilient Economy: The Key for a Sustainable and Productive Future
Revue Neurone
The Stigma Around Brain Disorders is a Barrier and Obscures the True Societal Impact of These Conditions
EU Changer
Call for the Creation of a European Parliament Intergroup on Brain Health
The Lancet Neurology
How the Brain Economy Can Unlock New Approaches to AI
European Policy Center
The Brain Advantage for a Thriving Economy: A Global Call to Action
Canadian Science Policy Centre
Turning Aspirations Into Action for Rare Disease Patients
Advancing Brain Health in Europe: Looking Ahead With Key Priorities and Initiatives
Open Access Government
Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease: Advances in scientific research and diagnostic tools are transforming how we think about and treat alzheimer's
Parliament Magazine
Interview with EBC Executive Director, Frédéric Destrebecq
Quantifying the economic value of earlier and enhanced management of Anorexia Nervosa for adults in England, Germany and Spain: improving the care pathway
The European Psychiatry
EU Brain Thematic Network Meets to Develop Policy Statement
Brain health: a global challenge in the age of aging
La Libre Belgique (in French)
United action is needed to prioritise brain health
The Lancet Neurology
From fragmentation to collaboration in European brain research
European Journal of Neurology
Prioritising brain health in Europe and beyond
Open Access Government
Patient pathways for rare diseases in Europe: ataxia as an example
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
Impact of specialist ataxia centres on health service resource utilisation and costs across Europe: cross-sectional survey
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
Fostering brain research and innovation in the EU
The Parliament Magazine
No health without brain health
The Parliament Magazine
Call to Action: Putting Brain Health on the Global Agenda
Baker Institute for Public Policy
Sustainable development demands brain health
The Lancet Neurology
Stop the epidemic of brain diseases and promote brain health! (in Dutch)
De Morgen / Mediaplanet
Beyond forgetfulness: Why we must act on Alzheimer’s disease now
Autism with co-occuring epilepsy care pathway in Europe
European Psychiatry
Rethinking the detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: Outcomes of a European Brain Council project
Aging Brain
Global synergistic actions to improve brain health for human development
Nature Reviews Neurology
Global data is key to tackling the rise in brain health conditions
Economic Evaluation of anti-epileptic Medicines for Autistic Children with Epilepsy
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
The Economic Impact of Reducing Treatment Gaps in Depression
The European Psychiatry
Viewpoint: Assessing the value of mental health treatments in Europe
The European Psychiatry
Care pathways for people with major depressive disorder: A European Brain Council Value of Treatment study
The European Psychiatry
The effects of COVID-19 on European healthcare provision for working-age adults with major depressive disorder
The European Psychiatry
Autism care pathway in Europe
The European Psychiatry
Economic analysis of early intervention for autistic children: findings from four case studies in England, Ireland, Italy, and Spain
The European Psychiatry
Prioritising brain research in Europe
Open Access Government
Mapping European Brain Research: The Past, Present and Future
Open Access Government
Ricerca e neuroscienze: è il momento di politiche europee
Fortune Italia - Health
(Research and neuroscience: it's time for European policies)
(Publication in Italian)
Improving the lives of people with brain disorders
Open Access Government
The value of action: mitigating the global impact of neurological disorders
Economist Impact
Thought Leader
The Parliament Magazine
Future of the aging brain: Bridging the gap between research and policy
Aging Brain
The importance of prioritising brain health
Health Europa Quarterly
Brain conditions, mental and neurological alike
Open Access Government
A harmonised EU approach to the off-label use of medicines?
The Parliament Magazine
Thought Leader
The Parliament Magazine
The silent emergency of brain disorders
Media Planet UK
Brexit impact: Health and brain research
Open Access Government
Brain diseases at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
Open Access Government
Disrupt and rewire: innovating in neuroscience
Media Planet UK
Tackling the growing burden of brain disorders in Europe
Open Access Government
EM en Europa: el valor de la integración y la personalización en salud y approximaciones a la atención social
SumEMos para normalizar la vida con EM
SumEMos para normalizar la vida con EM campaign - Merck
MS in Europe: the value of integrated and personalised health and social care approaches
SumEMos para normalizar la vida con EM
English Translation
The Value of Treatment: early intervention to reduce the burden of brain diseases
Brain Disorders in Europe: the Space Race of the 21st Century
Health Europa Quarterly
Implementing digital technology for brain health
Open Access Government
Much more needs to be done to bridge the ‘gap’ in transition from child to adult mental healthcare
Parliament Magazine
Thought Leader
The Parliament Magazine
Workplace mental health: Healthy workforce, healthy society