EBC is working with GAMIAN-Europe to find support for a European Parliament Written Declaration on mental health and asylum seekers. A Written Declaration is a tool that Members of the European Parliament have to underline their interest in and the need for action for a cetain topic. It needs the support of the majority of Members (376 signatures) in order to become adopted as a formal Parliamentary document.
This Written Declaration was prepared as it is felt that there is too little awareness of and attention for the mental health risks and challenges faced by asylum seekers being traumatized by the situation they are fleeing from, the threats and horrors faced on their journey to the destination countries and the rejection and lack of inclusion and opportunities (in many cases) when arriving in their destination countries. Policymakers across the EU aware should be more of the fact that this is a real and serious issue which needs to be taken into account in any effort to address the situation of asylum seekers and their integration in their host countries and communities.
We need your support with getting the Written Declaration formally adopted: we would like to urge you to write to the Members of the European Parliament from your countries to call on them to sign the Written Declaration. In order to make this easy for you we have prepared a letter for you as well as a list of MEPs and their email addresses from your countries. Please help us get the support we need – it will only take a few minutes of your time.
For the Written Declaration (available in all EU languages): click here
For the standard letter to MEPs: click here
To get the emails addresses of the MEPs from your countries please contact Christine Marking (eu.liaison@gamian.eu)