We’re happy to announce that the EU4Health Integration and Impact Initiative has been granted to tackle pressing public health challenges in Europe! Starting in June 2024, this 12-month project will address healthcare disparities, improve access to therapies, enhance diversity in clinical trials, and bridge gaps in paediatric cancer care and brain health, while advocating for a holistic approach and promoting the One Health perspective. The consortium for the EU4Health Integration and Impact Initiative project includes the I3h Institute (I3h ULB), One Sustainable Health for All Foundation (OSH Foundation), Childhood Cancer International Europe (CCI Europe), and the European Brain Council (EBC).

How will we foster innovation, inclusivity and influence policy?

– Organising a high-impact EU4Health event in Brussels on Childhood Cancer, One Health and Brain Health
– Hosting three side-events focusing on each topic
– Carrying out sustainable patient-centred awareness campaigns on social media and our dedicated website to raise awareness and facilitate an interactive exchange between citizens and health experts

Save the date: EU4Health public event will take place on December 2, 2024 at the Palace of the Academies in Brussels

Stay tuned for project updates and more information! Join us in our mission to improve European public health and create a healthier, more resilient future for all Europeans!