EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
29 05-2022

EBC launches 2021 annual report


We are delighted to share with you the EBC Annual Report for 2021. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to have managed to continue to successfully conduct and pursue ongoing projects such as: the Value of Innovation (from which stemmed the development of the EBC Policy Roadmap), MULTI-ACT and the European Brain [...]

24 05-2022

RETHINKING Alzheimer’s disease project, calling for change in Alzheimer’s care, kicks off!


Through RETHINKING Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the European Brain Council (EBC) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) are joining forces with the ambition of improving Alzheimer’s disease care pathway and the lives of people living with it. Officially launched on 29 April 2022, the project kicked off its operational activities with [...]

25 04-2022

Visit the extended exhibition “Living with MS during COVID-19: A case for rethinking MS care in the EU”


On the occasion of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week 2022, the national extension of the virtual exhibition "Living with MS during COVID-19: A case for rethinking MS care in the EU" brings light to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on multiple sclerosis at country level. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on multiple sclerosis at [...]

8 04-2022

Resources for action in Ukraine


Since the war in Ukraine began, the European Brain Council has been monitoring the situation closely and looking to identify ways it could provide support. The situation on the ground has had- and will continue to have - tremendous impact on the mental wellbeing of people, as well as immense disruption on regular, life-saving [...]

23 03-2022

EBRA launches open consultation on Shared European Brain Research Agenda


The preparation of the Shared European Brain Research Agenda (SEBRA) is currently underway within the EBC-coordinated European Brain Research Area (EBRA) project, with the aim to provide recommendations on future areas for excellent, innovative, and translational research. Existing strategic research agendas have been taken into consideration and input has been collected from a first set of identified experts in the European brain research area. A Consultation is now [...]

22 03-2022

EBC celebrates 20 years!


Twenty years ago to this day, the European Brain Council (EBC) was formed. The brain child of Prof.  Jes Olesen, EBC was the answer to the need for increased unity within the brain community, building a more connected network of key players in the brain space — scientists, clinicians, patients, industry — encompassing basic [...]

18 03-2022

A look back at Brain Awareness Week 2022


Brain Awareness Week 2022 was a busy time period for EBC this year, with a series of virtual launches taking place, namely the release of the 2nd Round of the Value of Treatment project results and Calls to Action as well as the Save the Date for two major events later this year. On Monday, [...]

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