Coordination and Support Action BrainHealth The CSA BrainHealth addresses the biomedical, economic and societal challenges of diseases and decreased mental health in Europe, aiming for collaborative solutions in prevention, diagnosis and therapies. The overarching goal is to foster and promote global brain health and enhance the well-being of individuals with mental disorders or neurological [...]
Dominika Suchonova2024-02-14T15:22:22+00:00The EU-funded BRAINTEASER project aims to bring Artificial Intelligence home for a better care of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis.
admin_ebc2024-02-14T15:22:37+00:00PRIME is an EU-funded project (H2020-EU.3.1.1. - Understanding health, wellbeing and disease) and states that insulin signalling not only affects the body (e.g., diabetes and obesity) but also the brain (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, autism and obsessive-compulsive disorders).
Dominika Suchonova2024-10-16T08:03:48+00:00Full project name: HetERogeneous sEmantic Data integratIon for the guT-bRain interplaY Funding Programme and Grant Agreement number: Horizon Europe, GA No. 101137074 Duration: 48 months Consortium: Universita Degli Studi di Padova, Sirma Ai Ead, Surf Bv, Stichting Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum, Observa Associazione, Fundacion Empresa Universidad Gallega, Universita Degli Studi Di Torino, Aalborg Universitet, Katholieke [...]
Dominika Suchonova2024-02-14T15:23:04+00:00The “FuEl ThE bRaiN In healtThY aging and agE-relateD diseases” ETERNITY will contribute to the strengthening of the European innovation capacity by training a new generation of researchers with experience and full understanding of the requirements of academia, pharmaceutical and food supplement companies, and the society.
Hugo Hermantin2024-02-14T15:23:15+00:00AGORA is an ERA-NET NEURON-funded project aiming to improve the effectiveness of therapy of chronic neuropathic pain (CNP) and rate of responders in future clinical trials delivering the treatment to targeted subgroups of patients.
admin_ebc2024-08-30T14:48:39+00:00Full project name: EU4Health Integration and Impact Initiative Duration: 12 months Consortium: I3h Institute (I3h ULB), One Sustainable Health for All Foundation (OSH Foundation), Childhood Cancer International Europe (CCI Europe), European Brain Council (EBC) Description: The EU4Health Integration and Impact Initiative (EU4H3I) aims to address public health challenges such as healthcare disparities, unequal access [...]