The European Brain Council has been involved in many projects ever since its creation. Its membership results from concerted discussions with its members organisations. In addition, members of project groups are appointed by the EBC leadership in order to find the best-suited experts throughout Europe be they doctors, basic scientists or expert patients.
No Health Without Brain Health
The campaign aims to increase attention for brain health, not only from within the wider brain community but also from EU policymakers and the public, to place the brain higher on health and research policy agendas to ensure that more resources are channeled towards prevention awareness, research on the brain and for the 179 million Europeans currently living with some form of brain condition.
Pledge for Science
Brain research and innovation must therefore be recognised, more than ever, as a health and research priority in the EU. The scientific community calls upon national, EU and international policymakers to support the development of a European Brain Research and Innovation Plan, combining research and public health initiatives to address brain function and disorders in a comprehensive, collaborative and innovative way.
Rethinking the management of brain disorders
The aim of the Rethinking Projects is to develop policy priorities around challenges in brain disorders and present a consensus on what needs to be achieved to resolve the most pressing challenges in brain conditions, today and in the future.
The Value of Treatment
Identify treatment gaps (or barriers to care) and causing factors along the care pathway and propose solutions to address them. Assess health gains and socio-economic impacts resulting from best practice healthcare interventions, in comparison with current care or no treatment. Converge evidence to policy.
Global Partnerships in Brain Research
Tasked with the forging of global partnerships in brain research during the now completed EBC-coordinated European Brain Research Area (EBRA) project and currently leading global outreach within the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) BrainHealth, EBC has served as a convener over the last years for experts in the brain community to share best practices, exchange ongoing work and align priorities to forge a joint path forward to understand and address the brain rather than in silos across continents.
Move for Your Brain
The goal of the Move for Your Brain campaign is to promote and emphasise the importance of policies and practices addressing brain health from a holistic perspective.
EBC has created the #ILoveMyBrain logo as a communication tool for promoting and connecting all the work being done to promote brain health and prevent and treat brain disorders in Europe.
Good Off-Label Use Practice
The EBC actively supports the adoption of EU guidelines on off-label use of medicines, a policy option presented in the European Commission`s Study on off-label use of medicinal products in the European Union published in February 2017. Off-label use is the practice of using a medicine outside its authorised indication.