The European Brain Council (EBC) is pleased to announce the launch of a public consultation as part of the EU Health Policy Platform (EUHPP) Thematic Network: “Towards an EU Coordination Plan for the Brain.”

This consultation aims to gather insights and feedback from a wide range of stakeholders, including researchers, clinicians, healthcare professionals, patients, carers, and decision makers. The input collected will help shape the Joint Statement outlining the need for a coordinated approach to brain health, brain research and innovation, and brain capital at the European level.

Brain disorders currently affect millions of Europeans, presenting significant challenges to healthcare systems, economies, and societies. To address these challenges, the consultation will focus on the urgent need for strategic coordination in brain health research and policy, exploring opportunities to leverage existing initiatives and develop a unified EU strategy.

The consultation will cover key areas discussed during the first webinar of the Thematic Network, including:

  • The burden of brain disorders and urgent needs in the field,
  • Strategic opportunities for advancing brain health and building brain capital,
  • The role of collaboration and existing initiatives in driving tangible progress,
  • A shared vision for a European Coordination Plan for the Brain

The outcome of this consultation will directly contribute to the drafting of the final Joint Statement, which will be presented at the EUHPP Annual Conference on 26 November 2024.

We invite all members of the wider brain community to participate in this important consultation and make their voices heard. Together, we can place brain health, brain research and innovation, and brain capital higher on the European policy agenda and work towards a coordinated approach that will benefit the millions of Europeans living with a brain disorder, but also their families, carers, and society as a whole.

About the EUHPP Thematic Network: The EU Health Policy Platform Thematic Network on “Towards an EU Coordination Plan for the Brain” is led by the European Brain Council and aims to aims to unite stakeholders from across the brain community to develop policy recommendations for a comprehensive EU Coordination Plan for the Brain.