EBC representatives were present at the Committee Meeting of the “Societal Impact of Pain” (SIP) hosted at the Foundation Universitaire on 4 October.
The SIP platform was launched in 2009 with the aim of raising awareness of the relevance that pain has on societies, sharing best practices across all EU member states and fostering European-wide policy strategies for an improved pain care in Europe.
The discussion revolved around the policy recommendations for tackling the societal impact of pain presented at the SIP Symposium in Malta held from 8-9 June. Furthermore, the participants shared their ideas for future SIP initiatives.
On this occasion, Abigail Moreno Ginés and Juergen Scheftlein, European Commission DG SANTE, introduced the EU Health Policy Platform. This online tool facilitates dialogue between the European Commission and stakeholders active in the field of health.
Four joint statements are currently being drafted by the members of the policy platform. These aim to encapsulate the common position of relevant stakeholders on the following issues:
- Employment of People with Chronic Diseases
- Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
- Migration & Health
- Medical training and professional development for patient safety
Most joint statements will be finalized in the coming weeks, after which they will be open for endorsement by concerned organizations.
The report of the meeting can be accessed here.