With the 2024 European Parliament Elections behind us, the European Brain Council (EBC), its member organisations and the wider brain community are rallying support for the increased prioritisation of brain health on EU health and research agendas. As part of the No Health Without Brain Health campaign, we urge all stakeholders, policymakers, and the wider public to join us in endorsing critical policy initiatives that will significantly enhance brain health, research and care across Europe.

The European Elections are a key momentum to look into the political orientations for the next years. In order to feed into these developments, the EBC has elaborated and adopted its Election Manifesto. This policy statement summarises EBC’s asks and thereby serves as baseline for policy engagement in this context.

In the continuation of the EBC Elections Manifesto, the Pledge for Science and the existing “Brain Health and Brain Research Thematic Network” on the EU Health Policy Platform, EBC has prepared a Joint Letter “Urgent Call to Action: A Place for Brain Health at the Top of EU Policy Agendas”, addressed to newly elected Members of European Parliament. The letter is calling for the formation of an Intergroup on Brain Health and Research and the continued creation of national brain plans and a comprehensive European brain strategy.

We invite all like-minded organisations and policymakers to support the joint letter and send us your logo via the form below!