EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
25 05-2021

Open co-design workshop on next generation tools to manage Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis


Started on January 2021, the 4 years Horizon 2020 BRAINTEASER project seeks to exploit the value of artificial intelligence, big data—including those related to health, lifestyle habits and environment—, low-cost sensors and smart apps to support patients living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) and their caregivers. Its goal is to develop [...]

28 01-2021

Event report: Virtual workshop on the off-label use of medicines in Sweden and Norway


Striking the right balance between timely access to medicines and maintaining the highest standards of patient safety. Introduction to the event The event, hosted by the Swedish Brain Foundation, the Norwegian MS Association and the European Brain Council was held virtually on 24 November 2020. It brought together over 80 representatives from Norway and [...]

28 01-2021

EU-Funded BRAINTEASER project, bringing AI home for better care of ALS and MS, kicks off!


Officially started on the 1st of January 2021, the H2020 BRAINTEASER project kicked off its operational activities on 28 and 29 January, at the presence of its project officer Mr Tobias Wiesenthal, Head of Sector 'Research and Innovation' at DG CONNECT.H.3 – eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing. All the 11 partners, a multidisciplinary gender-balanced consortium [...]

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