The European Brain Research Area (EBRA) project partners are delighted to invite you to the upcoming Final Conference, which will take place on 11 October 2022 in Brussels, Belgium. Four years have already passed and plenty of work is to be presented this coming October, including the EBRA Landscape Analysis, the Shared European Brain Research Agenda (SEBRA) [...]
Dominika Suchonova2022-08-04T13:20:43+00:0025-03-2022|
This year’s Brain Innovation Days event will centre around Connecting Brains; bringing together the current and future generations of brain research and innovation. The focus of the 2022 event will be to enable space and opportunity for open discussion and showcasing, prioritising matchmaking and networking within the community, particularly of stakeholders who may not have the opportunity to connect in [...]
The Belgian Brain Council will be having its General Assembly on 17th June 2017, with appointment of new President, new Secretary General, and new Pharma Industry delegate. On the occasion of International Parkinson's Day, 11 April 2017, the Belgian Brain Council released their National Brain Plan: A four paged document detailing the setting up of a Belgian [...]
Congratulations to Monica Di Luca, Vice President of the European Brain Council and Past President of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies. On 31st March 2017, Prof Di Luca received from the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy at the University of Mons, in Belgium, the degree "Docteur Honoris Causa" for her research on the brain’s ability to modulate [...]