EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
18 04-2017

EBC attends the 25th European Congress of Psychiatry (Full Report)


From 1 – 4 April, EBC was pleased to attend the 25th European Congress of Psychiatry held by one of its members, The European Psychiatric Association (EPA), in Florence, Italy. Guided by the motto “Together for Mental Health,”  the congress facilitated learning, discussion, and exchange among European and international psychiatrists together with leaders of stakeholder organisations in mental [...]

8 03-2017

EBC President Prof. David Nutt gives TEDx Talk, Brussels (06.03.17)


Last Monday, 6th March, EBC's president, Professor David Nutt, delivered a presentation as one of this year's speakers at the TEDx Brussels event, a full afternoon of live talks by world-class speakers on a diverse range of topics, held at BOZAR, Brussels. The theme for this year's TEDx Brussels was "No Limits". Rudy Aernoudt, the TEDxBrussels Curator explains: [...]

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