EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
24 02-2021

Patient Engagement in EU-Funded Brain Research Projects (EBC-EFNA-GAMIAN-Europe Brain Awareness Week Event)


  Brain Awareness Week 2021 EBC in partnership with EFNA & GAMIAN-Europe Patient Engagement in EU-Funded Brain Research Projects Digital Event – 16 March, 12:30-14:00 Patient engagement in research is an approach that involves meaningful and active collaboration with patients in the governance, priority setting, conducting and knowledge translation of research. While patient engagement is [...]

24 02-2021

What can we learn from the vaccination campaign?


Just over a month ago, EBC published its statement on the impact of COVID-19 on brain health, hoping that the growing evidence of the long-term effects of the disease would be taken into account in the planning for post-pandemic recovery at the EU and national levels. It continues to grow more evident that COVID-19 has [...]

18 02-2021

MULTI-ACT project launches Save the Date for Final Conference


MULTI-ACT Final Conference The MULTI-ACT Model: The Path Forward for Participatory Governance in Health Research and Innovation 23 March 2021 (14:00-17:00 CET) After years of work, the outcomes of the MULTI-ACT project will be presented at the Final Conference, “The MULTI-ACT model: the path forward for participatory governance in health research and innovation”, to be held [...]

2 02-2021

7th European Stroke Organisation Conference


  The 7th European Stroke Conference will take place online, from 1 - 3 September 2021. Once again we'll come together to learn about the latest trial results, new technologies, hear innovative ideas and begin to understand how our future is being shaped by them. More info here.

5 06-2020

14th European Paediatric Neurology Society Congress


The 14th European Paediatric Neurology Society Congress, to be held under the overarching theme "Precision in Child Neurology" from 28 April - 2 May 2022 in Glasgow (UK) and virtually, provides an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the rapidly evolving field of child neurology including basic science, diagnostic methods and novel treatments. [...]

21 11-2018

EBC holds “Enhanced engagement through public-private partnerships” event as part of the Value of Innovation series


Today, the European Brain Council, together with its members and industry partners, hosts the event “Enhanced engagement through public-private partnerships: Sustaining therapeutic innovation to address patient needs” as part of its Value of Innovation series. The full day event will provide the opportunity for individual EBC members and industry partners to showcase their latest initiatives [...]

3 10-2017

EBC at 27th Alzheimer Europe Conference


EBC is in Berlin this week for the 27th Alzheimer Europe Conference, focusing this year on the theme "care today, cure tomorrow". In partnership with MSD we are present at the exhibition and will hold a special symposium on the 4th October during lunch (beginning 12:45): Early intervention in Alzheimer’s disease: For a new understanding of [...]

25 03-2017

Exchange of good practices in OSH – Healthy Workplaces Campaign Partner event (22.03.17)


On 22-23 March 2017, EBC attended a two-day exchange of good practices event for Official Campaign Partners of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign in Brussels, organised by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). The opening session on 22 March began with a welcome speech by Christa Sedlatschek, Director of EU-OSHA, followed by an [...]

17 03-2017

Brain Awareness Week: Lunch Debate (14.03.17)


What is Brain Awareness Week? Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. Founded in 1996 by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, BAW unites the efforts of partner organizations from around the world in a week-long celebration of the brain every March. [...]

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