EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
23 03-2023

Event Report: Global Partnerships in Brain Research – Brain Awareness Week 2023


On 16 March 2023, the European Brain Council (EBC) held its annual Brain Awareness Week event, this time with a full-day programme focused around Global Partnerships in Brain Research, showcasing ongoing work to enable dialogue and foster further collaboration within the community. The event was a perfect opportunity for participants to learn from their [...]

17 01-2022

The European Brain Research area: Building a Brain Health Partnership


The European Brain Research Area (EBRA) will host a Special Interest Event at the upcoming FENS Forum 2022 on 11 July at 12:00-12:45 in Hall B. Brain research is a rapidly evolving field and increasingly at the forefront of science. The EU and its Member States have made considerable investment in brain research leading to [...]

16 11-2021

FENS Forum 2022


The FENS Forum is Europe’s largest international neuroscience conference, covering all domains in modern brain research from basic to translational research. The Forum represents a unique opportunity for neuroscientists from around the world to gather together and enjoy excellent science in one of Europe’s most vibrant cities. Organised by FENS in partnership with the French [...]

24 07-2020

EBC launches 2019 Annual Report


The European Brain Council is glad to announce the release of its 2019 Annual Report, filled with content shedding light on projects, events and activities and further achievements of EBC, its members and its stakeholders. You can read and download the full report here.

22 03-2018

BAW 2018 Event Report: “Expanding Brain Research in Europe: Education, Behaviour and Brain Development”


On 15 March 2018, EBC held its annual Brain Awareness Week event at the European Parliament (in Strasbourg, France) in partnership with FENS, EDAB, BBC, University of Strasbourg-Neuropole and the Bureau Grand Est. The event is designed for outreach to the general public and policymakers, to give an insight into the world of neuroscience and [...]

19 03-2017

Brain Awareness Week: Outreach Event, Strasbourg (16.03.17)


What is Brain Awareness Week? The global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research Brain Awareness Week unites the efforts of partner organizations from around the world in a week-long celebration of the brain every March. Partners organize creative and innovative activities in their communities to educate and excite [...]

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