The European Brain Council (EBC), in collaboration with the Institute of Management of Scuola Superiore de Sant'Anna, was very pleased to launch the 'Rethinking Myasthenia Gravis' project on the occasion of EBC's Rare Disease Day event. Rethinking Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is a research-driven project that will offer policy recommendations to make tangible changes with [...]
The main purpose of Rare Disease Day is to raise awareness about rare diseases and their impact on the lives of those affected. In the continuity of the European Brain Council’s (EBC) activities on rare brain diseases, EBC introduced in 2024 the concept of a Rare Brain Disease Ecosystem to engage key stakeholders in the [...]
Dominika Suchonova2024-03-18T15:04:09+00:0018-01-2024|
The main purpose of Rare Disease Day is to raise awareness about rare diseases and their impact on the lives of those affected. Encouraging policy changes can influence policymakers to create policies and regulations that better address the needs of people with rare diseases, including improved access to diagnosis and treatment. To raise awareness [...]
Dominika Suchonova2023-02-24T11:01:10+00:0031-01-2023|
With a new Rare Disease International Day coming up, Bamberg Health in collaboration with key actores of the industry, is organizing the Europe Rare Disease Summit in Madrid (Spain) and virtually. The objective of the Summit was to discuss the key trends and topics relating to diagnostics and treatments for Rare Diseases, as [...]